Anti-Whiteism or Anti-Whitism [an-ti-white-is-um]
1 all concepts, ideologies, actions and everything derived therefrom (such as opinions, policies, laws, rules) that inflict injury on white people i.e. European people.
2 hostility towards whites.
3 the infliction of harm on whites by many implicit and explicit means and methods.
4 presupposing that whites are more privileged (a common myth) and therefore must be brought to non existence and ultimately white-erased.
5 the personal hate of whites because the whiteness of their skin. this case is often called (anti-Whiteness) Note: Anti-Whiteness or Whiteness is a term used by Anti-Whites to mean whites are inherently racist and must rid themselves of their “Whiteness”. This term is not recognized by the white community.
Clarification of use: Anti-White does NOT mean Anti-racist.
Examples of use:
1 term used by President of the United States of America – Donald J. Trump.